Thursday, October 29, 2009

Community Meetings Next Week on San Antonio's Transportation Future

Next week VIA is hosting two community meetings on the long range comprehensive transportation plan they are developing for San Antonio.

The first is next Wednesday, November 4, at El Progreso Hall, 1306 Guadalupe, from 5:30 to 8:30.

The second is next Thursday, November 5, at Harlandale Civic Center, 115 W. Southcross.

More information about the meetings, the plan, and offering your comments online is available here.

As you know, I think that an aggressive plan for light rail, hike and bike trails and other transit options is essential for San Antonio's future.

Not That CIA

I spent some time today at the Pearl where the Culinary Institute of America, San Antonio is located. One thing I learned is that CIA, San Antonio is actually an accredited college and holds a special mission on producing Hispanic Chefs in a city where 65% of the cooks are Hispanic but lack formal training to reach Chef status.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Austin City Council Voting on our Energy Loan Program

This is very exciting news. Tomorrow Austin is voting on pursuing the loan program established by HB 1937, the bill I passed earlier this year. Under the program, property owners would get help paying for the upfront costs of solar panels or energy efficiency investments and then pay off the loan over time through their property taxes. The key is that the loan would stay with the property instead of the owner, so if you move away, whoever moves in and benefits from the lower utility bills will continue to pay off the loan. Getting over this hurdle has worked to promote green homes in cities throughout the country.

The City Council agenda item reads "Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to study the possible implementation of a program under Chapter 376 of the Local Government Code to provide for the financing of private energy efficiency and renewable energy measures through the issuance of municipal bonds to be repaid by voluntary property assessments on the improved properties." It's online here.

The City of San Antonio and other stakeholders around town have been working to figure out how to implement the program in our community. Here's what Solar San Antonio had to say.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Your Chance to Vote on Fair Taxes and New Top Tier Universities

As early voting for new state constitutional amendments starts this week, I'd like to tell you about three propositions that are particularly important to our community.

Proposition 2 would allow the Legislature to pass a bill stopping appraisal districts from inflating certain property values. It would ensure that homes are simply valued as homes, rather than valued at the theoretical price the property might earn if the owner sold it for its "highest and best use," including commercial use.

Proposition 3 would allow the state to audit our local property appraisal districts to ensure they are using the proper procedures and treating taxpayers fairly. I have filed bills to make this change during the last two legislative sessions, and I'm glad we are close to the finish line. I believe most Texans are willing to pay their fair share of taxes to fund public investments such as schools, roads and public safety, but we need to ensure we are all treated fairly in the process.

Proposition 4 would establish a new fund to invest in research at state universities such as UTSA. We need more top tier universities for our growing number of top tier students. This is an historic opportunity to start doing just that, and to put Texas on a path to be a world leader in higher education.

You can read all about the proposed amendments in this handy House Research Organization
report, learn about early voting here, and look up Bexar County early voting locations and hours here.

P.S. House Research Organization also has great
reports on the major legislation passed this year, the Governor's vetoes, and the new state budget.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Annual Celebration Wednesday Night

Join me and other community members at Say Si Gallery tomorrow evening at 5:30 as we celebrate our many victories from the past year.

By coming together as a community, this year we passed over 30 bills, amendments and budget riders. From TEXAS Grants for more college students and crafting a balanced reform of the top 10% college admissions policy, to expanding access to pre-k and reducing practice TAKS days in schools, we worked together and now it's time to celebrate together. (You can read more about our efforts this legislation session here.)

While there are many folks to thank, we will highlight those who helped pass legislation to create the new JET job training program and my bill to promote city loans for solar panels and energy efficiency.

Here are the details: We'll be at the Say Si Gallery at 1518 S. Alamo Street in San Antonio from 5:30 to 8:30 on Wednesday, October 14. The event is free, but please rsvp by email to Friends of Mike or by calling (512) 554-5007.

Contributions to Friends of Mike Villarreal are welcomed and appreciated. Contribute online or send checks to Friends of Mike Villarreal, 1114 S. St. Mary's, Suite 105, San Antonio 78210.

See you then!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

See you tonight at National Night Out

Starting at 5:00 this evening, I'll be visiting several neighborhoods in my district, including North Shearer Hills, Shearer Hills/Ridgeview, Crownhill Park, Vance Jackson, Dellview, Tobin Hill, King William and others. National Night Out is a great opportunity to get outside, have some fun, meet your neighbors, and strengthen your community.